Winter Bike Storage (not as simple as you think)
Read an attrocious article on Winter bike storage the other day. Since most aren't hard core about Winter cycling, it's a good time to mention some tips (I ride year round). Most importantly, never park a bicycle, even for short periods,
Winter Cycling (it’s more simple than you think)
So, is this the year you're going to extend your cycling season through the winter? Here are some important tips from one that has commuted at least 24 miles per day, year 'round, for more than 20 years. Some of
Why Every Roadie & Off Road Cyclist Should Have An E-bike
I may be slightly sidelined at the moment, until I can get my leg fixed. Even so, I found myself zipping along on my traditional touring bike beside my wife's e-bike last week. I was surprised. Even I had fallen
Kit or E-Bike
$2000 vs $1000 A list member recently mentioned that they were torn between adding an e-bike kit to their existing bicycle or purchasing a whole new e-bike. Since ours is the only shop in the area offering both, we are in a unique
Should You Get a Factory E-bike or Convert Your Trusty Steed?
VS A bit of a disclaimer: The only reason I got in to e-bikes was because of the poor quality and high prices being offered. I am a convert, but I am a bit prejudiced. Major mfg.'s are selling 1950's balloon tired,
What Is A Cargo Bike!?!
$1995 (baskets extra) One of the fastest growing segments in the cycling industry is cargo bikes. These are relatively new to us, but are fairly common in other parts of the world. With the advent of electric assist, more people want their
Poagies; What Are They & Why Do You Want Them?
Poagies have been around perhaps as long as humans have negociated the cold. You see them used on dog sleds, snowmobiles, motorcycles and bicycles. There are very few pieces of specialized bicycle kit that aren't merely hype. Poagies are among
The Real World of A Bicycle Tourist
Following is a link to a blog written by an acquaintance from a bicycle touring group of which I am a member. Most of my riding is what is often referred to as S48 and is often is credit card
What is an e-bike really?
There are a lot of myths about e-bikes and we hope to address each throughout the next year. One concerns reliability and serviceability. There really isn't that much to go wrong with an e-bike. Some claim chains, spokes or brakes are
Bike Repair 101
Inspite of what us bike tech's would like you to believe, the fact is, there isn't that much to bicycle repairs. It is actually hard to make a mistake that is going to cost you more than if you had
Bike N Bus
Recently, I remarked that it amazes me that in a country where so many pride themselves on their athleticism we find it impossible to walk two blocks to a bus stop. Metrolink has a free app that tells me when
Further, Fitter Fun Vs Fastest, Fittest Fun
More and more road and especially off road cycling enthusiasts are starting to embrace the concept of The E-bike, even if maybe they don't want one themselves. Anything that gets more people out on bikes. For some, it is good
Seats, Saddles & Sore Bums
The single biggest complaint I hear from potential bicycle customers is that the "seats" are too skinny. I always tell them, their problem is not the saddle, but their fit. Any saddle is comfortable if the bike is properly fit
What Is With All The “Lady’s” Frames (Step Through)
Only in The U.S. do people refer to step through frames as, "Lady's" bikes. In reality, these are step through frames. They've never really caught on in The U.S. and for a while went out of style around the world
Gravel Grinders
Some say Gravel Bikes got their start when mfg.'s put mtb's out of the average person's price range. Some say they are a great way to add speed and challenge to the same old fire roads and trails. Others just
Mid-Drive Vs Hub Drive E-bikes
rv Too often people assume either that all e-bikes are equal or that "X" watts is "X" watts and always good. Neither could be further from the truth. For starters, hub drives are generally rated at their peak, which requires significant
So You Bought A Bike On-Line
Contrary to popular belief, most bike shops really don't have a problem with in-line bike sales. They are a gateway for better things to come
GRrrr, What’s Going On MTB Mfg.’s!?!
I had hoped to talk about e-bike myths today. Then a friend came calling with questions about a used mtb. It seems every season my friends throw away their multi-thousand dollar bikes for the latest hype. The next year it will
E-Bike Myths
E-bikes are cheating: Who are we racing? Then wouldn't carbon fiber and titanium that make it easier to ride be cheating? Don't even get me started on those wind cheaters and their drop handle bars. By golly, be a real athlete,
Is Your Bike A…. SINNER!?!
Is Your Bike A Sinner in need of conversion!?! You all know what I mean. You love your bike, but you just might leave it at home. You find yourself damning it to the garage when it is too windy, too hilly
Dutch Bikes
Following is an article by Quad Cities legend Chuck Oestrich. It is from The Quad City Bicycle Club... Pushing for Pedaling Promoting Bicycling Advocacy Dutch Upright Bicycles By Chuck Oestreich Every so often something comes along that makes you take a good long look at established norms. Case in point: a recent You Tube video produced by Not Just Bikes. Its subtitle is “Why Dutch Bikes are Better (and why you should want one).” I watched it around the time the Biden administration was first proposing an infrastructure bill for something around 2.3 trillion dollars. That's trillion, not million or billion. All for decaying amenities for transportation vehicles, both personal and commercial. But wait a minute. Where do bikes fit in? The quick answer is they don't – except for some quick throw-away bucks. However, let's face it, bikes are not transportation – at least in America. Our biking is about sport and exercise - and sometimes a bit of family fun. But the Dutch, they go differently. They do a little of what we do with bikes, but mainly they use bicycles for transportation. They get around their cities - and even between cities – by bicycle. To be sure, they spend their Euros on roadways and bridges, but they also build all kinds of bicycle infrastructure compatible with their usual motor vehicle needs. But one of the major differences between the Dutch and Americans is their bicycles. They use Dutch upright bikes, almost universally. These are bikes that are just about the reverse of everything we have known and loved here in America in relation to bicycles. First off, as their name says, they are upright. It’s not just the bike that's upright; it's the user as well. No need to spread yourself out almost horizontally. With one of these you are on top of the world around you. You can see most possible safety threats easily. And you are not in an unnatural position leaning forward. You're standing tall surveying the world in all its glory as you travel through it – and also seeing possible threats to your safety. Oh, and guess what? These bikes are unisex. There are no separate men's and women's bikes. No top tube. Just step over the wheel/crank base and you're set to go. No need to swing that leg over the seat. That's especially important if you're wearing a skirt. But it helps with baggy pants also. The bikes are heavy vehicles. No fancy (and expensive) light weight permeation here. With no need for speed, sturdy steel is the name of the game. That and permanence. These bikes last. You buy one and it's yours forever – or at least until the dike breaks. Transportation: Everything is geared for that. Speaking of gears, they're hidden using internal gears within the back hub. No unprotected stack of gears exposed to the rain and dust. No fussy derailleurs. Do you really need 21 different gears for transportation – even on our Mississippi bluffs? As for brakes, they're invisible – along with all the cables which make our brakes work. Everything isencased in a hub and operated with just a bit of backward cranking. These take one back to those first bikes in almost everyone's memory - just about foolproof, with no need for worries about water on the cables or brake pads. These bikes are accessorized for transportation: shopping, work, school, even nighttime entertainment. One doesn't need or want closets full of bike shorts, jerseys and clip-on shoes. To allow for normal urban clothing, the bikes all have chain guards, fenders (Holland does get some good rain.), and racks with panniers. Bike locks are interesting. In Holland big, heavy chain or cable locks are difficult to use, simply because there are so many bikes there's no way to attach them to a permanent facility. Consequential almost all bikes have built-in locks which incapacitate the back wheels. Sure, a thief could wheel a bike away, but with the ubiquitous onlookers, he'd stand out like a buffalo in a field of tulips. One would think that with a nation's citizens going about their everyday pursuits on bikes in great numbers, that safety would be a problem. Just the opposite. The people are on bikes and not in cars. And there are so many bikes being used that they take over the transportation facilities - effectively making car driving a slow enervating experience (except on their thruways, that is). You've heard the cliché: “There's safety in numbers.” In Holland on Dutch bikes that's a cliché that is getting to be uunique. -
Before Buying A Bike (vol 1…tires)
The cycling industry creates fads. It causes those pursuing the best bike they can afford to spend as much as possible, as often as possible. They do so even at the expense of performance, reliability and even safety! Don't buy in
Before Buying A Bike (Vol.2 …suspension)
Last week I mentioned how the cycling industry capitalizes on unproven theories and fads. We focused on tires and the fruitless return to 1950's balloon tires. This week we'll focus on suspensions and how they react with wider tires. First and
Before You Buy Vol. 3. Frames
Previously, we've discussed tires and suspensions and touched a bit on industry hype. Frame geometry on conventional (non-electric) bikes is fairly well locked in. You don't see a lot of really stupid mistakes except maybe in the newer category of
Before You Buy Vol.4 Seats/Saddles
Here's an jnsider's tip on how to get the best service when looking for a saddle. Do not refer to your saddle as a seat! You'll be shunted away to the granny section and pay double for a totally inappropriate "seat."
Before You Buy Vol. 5 Tires
Okay, we have touched on this in the past. We need to revisit and expand on the topic. This is not about mtb's. Most of my customers seldom seldom ride anything more off road than hard pack clay or loose
E-Bikes & The Unpopular Basics of Cycling
Everything that makes traditional cycling easier, more efficient or faster is magnified on an e-bike. The same goes for those things which make a traditional bicycle harder to pedal, less efficient or fast. You cannot get around the basics of
How Much Bike Do I really Need?
How Much Bike Do I Really Need? As I stare at a giant pile of Retrospec commuter bikes I need to build, I ask myself this question. These things are head and shoulders above my bike (pictured). The photo is my 1966
Are electric bikes cheating? This real world calorie burning test found the answer!
Are electric bikes cheating? This real world calorie burning test found the answer! The following is liberally excerpted from an article in Electrek e-magazine by Micah Toll - Jul. 7th 2021 4:39 pm @MicahToll Electric bicycles have come a long way in
Ruby’s E-bike Rentals
Ruby's Now Offers E-bike Rentals! Have you ever wanted to try an e-bike? Now you can. Just $50 for up to four hours and $10/hr thereafter (capped at $100 for up to 24 hours). Have friends visting from out of town?
Between A Rock & A Hard Place Without A MTB
One of the toughest things to deal with in e-bikes is common misconceptions. It doesn't help that there are so many mfg.'s playing on those misconceptions. Just today, I lost yet another couple sales because I will not build illegal
Simplifying Your Daily Commute
I have been commuting by bicycle for more than 30 years. My commutes have been incredibly enhanced by having local Multi-Use Paths for long sections. Still, getting out in traffic, climbing hills, fighting wind and weather as well as just
Battery Maintenance
If you have an e-bike, you might want one of these. E-bikes are so new to folks in our area that there is a lot about batteries you may not know. Up to now, the main conversation has been around the
E-bike Insights Two Years In
It's been a couple years now since I first decided I could build a better value e-bike. Eventually I made one so my wife could ride with me, but found myself riding it much more than her. Today, it is
There’s A Right Way To Crash!?!
You are probably tired of hearing from me about how even pro racers have tell tale broken collar bone scars from crashing at speeds above 20mph (bikes are not designed well for such sustained speeds). You may not be aware
Harley Seriel 1 vs Conversion
I have wanted to write comparing a factory e-bike to a quality conversion for some time. Since this is not sold by anyone in The Quad Cities and is being championed by some as, "The Cadillac of e-bikes" it is
The Best Iteration of The Mtb since The Gravel Bike
Since its inception remarkably few mtb's have actually been used for riding off road. In our area, even most off road trails are hard pack clay where knobby tires aren't ideal. People buy them because they are rugged and can
Cycling With Your Spouse
Two of my brothers are pastors (of wildly different theologies). Writing this, I understand what one once said about preaching to themselves
Rail Trails Revisited
People from all over the world visit The Quad Cities to ride our local trails along The Mississippi. It is wonderful, but don't limit yourselves. Get out and enjoy Fall temperatures and the changing leaves all over The Midwest. Iowa alone
E-bike Sale!
https://retrospec.com/products/beaumont-rev-electric-city-bike-step-through Now Selling Well Below Minimum Advertised Price! As a life long road cyclist, one of the toughest things for me has been to learn that not everyone needs to ride all day, pack a tent or attack large hills. Some do
Black Friday Specials
Where else can you get a disk brake equipped, vintage style e-bike for $995? How about a mid-drive fat e-bike with hydraulic disk brakes, fenders, lights and a rack for $2195? Perhaps you don't want an e-bike at all. How about a
Winterizing Your Battery
It is hard to believe, after the amazing week we've had, but Winter is on the way. How you store or manage your battery this Winter can add years to the life of that battery! Most of the following you knew
What Do Trains Have To Do With Bikes!?!
https://www.wqad.com/article/entertainment/coming-soon/coming-soon-funding-secured-for-train-service-between-quad-cities-and-chicago/526-c491a567-d131-4181-99d5-7b8e64162d4c There are a lot of different opinions on passenger rail service. I understand and appreciate each perspective. When they are available though, they can open up a whole new world of opportunities for recreational cyclists. Too many of us aren't aware
E-bikes & Service Rad, Blix, Ecotrik, Lectric, Buzz, Himiway, Sol, Aventon, HeybikeAriel, Espin…Rev, ,
It happened again today. Someone in an online forum was actually bragging about the fact that they don't service any e-bikes they don't sell, 'Especially those sold direct to The Consumer.' The guy can't even provide warrenty service on the
How To Buy An E-bike For Christmas
If you read this blog, much of the following will sound familiar. Still, one can't wrap a conversion and buying online for a loved one is a lot more simple than hauling an e-bike to grandma's house. It is important to
Venting On E-bikes
This is the last week of our off season e-bike conversion sale. You must get your deposit in before Saturday when the price rises from $995 to $1195 (do it yourself kits, with color displays and 20ah batteries, are $825). I
Make Every Ride An Adventure
I was preparing a children's sermon on Joy, this week. Now, I am not here to preach. Those of you that have endured my language as I worked on your bike might be surprised I'd be leading kids anyway (I
For E-bike Owners Only
This post is not for the haters or motorists. It is for us, The e-bikers. We are in danger of becoming the same jackasses to pedestrians that harassing motorists are to us. For the umpteenth time this month I was asked
Where Are All The Haters?
I have an appointment today. It is two semi-suburban miles from my home. My wife's car only saves about two minutes and that only because I try to cycle lower traffic routes. The bike is just plain more fun. The temptation
Trail Access Is Important
I just don't get it. Iowa clears the MRT and dozens, if not hundreds, of cyclists are out enjoying it in far below freezing temp.'s. They receive funding based on the number of people using the paths, just like any
No More Next Year!
My friends are probably tired of hearing about it. My wife doesn't even want to think about it. How could she leave her babies (39 and 30)? Every year I say I need to move some place warm so I
I Need A Trike!
I'm getting old. The other day a friend dropped off a knarly old cane and I quickly realized this short, fat, old man is only a pointy hat and a beard away from being a gnome! I have commuted by bike,
Fat Tires Are Less Stable!
This article may look familiar. It is so important it bares repeating and updating. Because of inherent danger, I will no longer be offering conversions or factory fat tire e-bikes. If I felt it would carry any weight, I would report
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Once in a blue moon a story will come out of New York or San Francisco about an e-bike battery fire. Most of the time they are actually illegal e-scooters. It sets off all kinds of hysteria and customers ask
Getting The Proper Bike
We have discussed before the importance of proper fit. If anyone online or at your LBS tries to sell you a bike without getting your forearm, thigh and inseam measurements, the odds are very slim your bike is going to
Excuses To Ride vs Excuses Not To Ride
We've all done it. You wake up one day and just don't feel it. The urge to get out and ride is just gone! It might be because of a hard ride the day before, or a stiff head wind.
Why E-bikes Are So Reliable
Exercise To Improve Your Cycling
This may seem odd, coming from a one legged old fat guy, but before my leg completely fell apart, I had to eat four times a day to keep from losing weight! A century ride was a fine way to
Bicycle Etiquette
It will be Spring soon! Time to dust off the bike and visit the local Multi-Use Paths (MUP). That's right, except for a very few, very specific, off road trails, The Quad Cities has no, "bike paths." Just like motorists need
Even mentioning helmets can start a flame war on social media. Really, nothing creates more controversy in cycling. Rather than discussing whether or not to use a helmet, let's discuss what helmet you should wear if you are going to
The Dilemma Facing E-Bike Mfg.’s
The e-bike revolution has been going on now for about five years. E-bikes themselves have been around since the 70's, but until this decade they never have gained a foothold. I use the term, "revolution" because indeed it is changing
Hauling Your E-bike
Hopefully, the fact that you have an e-bike means you aren't hauling it as much or as often as a traditional bike. Distance, hills, wind and weather, play less a factor when going for a ride. Here in The Quad
We Have Inventory!!!
The bike above, with the latest torque sensing mid,drive, a 20ah battery, your choice of mechanical or hydraulic disk brakes, a color display and any number of handlebar options, sells for $1795-$1995. This bike has 27.5 (650b), 2.25" wide gravel
Extending Your Range Revisited
We have discussed the fact that anything which makes your traditional bike more or less efficient does the same to your e-bike. Never choose an e-bike that is significantly different than the traditional bike you would choose for the same
Questions To Ask Before Buying An E-bike
As most of you know, I got in to building e-bikes because I was appalled at the poor quality my friends were getting for outrageous prices. While things are getting better, it should surprise no one that a whole new
Get All You Deserve
Saturday I had a customer APOLOGIZE for asking to test ride, "too many" demo bikes. Folks, this is how you find out what you do and do not need. You are doing any dealer a FAVOR! This lady is a perfect
An Uncomfortable Reality
The recent incident on The I-74 bridge brings to light several inescapable hard truths. People really do believe they can get away with anything and no matter how heinous, we still tend to side with motorists. The first is hard to
The Most Sexist Industry In The World
This may seem like a strange article coming from a cycling retro-grouch, but really, it just makes sense. Perhaps it is because soo much mfg comes from less developed countries, or because of cycling traditions (like pretending a long bike
Will My E-bike Have Support?
The electronics on an e-bike are incredibly reliable. There are really only a few mfg's of motors, controllers and battery cells (with batteries being the most questionable piece of the puzzle). You will often find the same motor on a
Having 2nd Thoughts About E-bikes
Lately, I have been having second thoughts about e-bikes. A great idea that introduced many more people to the world of cycling. Unfortunately, it seems to have morphed into a bit of a disaster. The simplicity and efficiency of just
Avoiding Problems With Your E-bike
Now that you have an e-bike you are almost certainly riding two to four times as often and twice as far each time. Too many of us got used to the idea that bikes need very little attention, because frankly,
“Proper” Cycling Gear
If folks only knew the number of people I meet that don't ride because they feel they don't have the proper kit or bike
What Happened!?!
The year was 1967. My Weekly Reader was reporting on a rail road turned into a bike path between Sparta and Elroy Wisconsin. This was too amazing for me to believe at the time. I am sure there were earlier
Would You Ride It If It Weren’t An E-bike?
Before you buy any e-bike, ask yourself, would I ride this if it weren't an e-bike? If the answer is no, don't buy it! You ride bikes with lightweight hydroformed and/or butted ROUND or oval tubed frames. We haven't used heavy,
Horses For Courses
In horse racing there are horses called mudders. They may not win on smooth, hard, flat, dry courses, but they leave othes behind on a rainy day. Bikes and especially e-bikes, are no different. No one bike does everything well. Probably
A Challenge
There is nothing particularly special about the bikes pictured above. They are entry level, though great values. Once converted to torque sensing, mid-drive e-bikes though, they are FAR superior to anything comparable that costs $1,000 more! I challenge anyone to
Your Own Custom Built E-bike!
I often talk about the best e-bike as being the one converted from the bike you already love. You aren't going to find a factory bike as comfy, efficient or reliable, but what if you don't have a bike and
Grumpy Old Guys On Bikes
One of my saddest days was the day I visited my father to retrieve his cruiser bike. He would ride no more. I am beginning to understand. Getting older is a privilege, not a sentence. I'm enjoying it more and
This Has Got To Stop!
Please forgive the rant, but I am livid. If I do not share I just might hurt someone (most likely myself
Butt Hurt
No, I am not talking about NIMBY's complaining about expanded bicycle infrastructure or having to obey the law this week. I really am talking about saddle soreness. Saddle soreness is not necessarily the same as saddle sores. Sores come later and
There Is A Change In The Wind
It has been a long time.coming. Only a few years ago even I was arguing against e-bikes on MUP's. Not only did I not understand their proper operation, but I could see no way to determine what would be allowed.
Trail Etiquette
Ruby’s DIY E-Bike Kits
For nearly four years now we have been pushing the advantages of converting the bike you love over factory e-bikes. Your bike is just plain better quality. It handles better, is more comfortable and efficient. The motors themselves have been
Serious Cyclists Should Boycott Strava
We've discussed this before. Multi-Use Paths (MUP's), Rail Trails and Bike Lanes are no place to train or race. Strava refuses to do anything about the fact that they are encouraging both. In pursuit of King Of the Mountain status (KOM),
What Do You Think?
This e-bike has lightweight double butted, round tubing for comfort and response. It has a steel fork to absorb vibrations and has an extremely low maintenance belt drive with internal gears (shift coasting, lightly pedaling or at a stop). No
Cheap Bikes Make Bad E-Bikes
The single biggest problem facing e-bike mfg's and dealers is that most of their best prospects still think they can get a high end traditional bike for under five hundred dollars. They just don't know bikes and can't understand why
Practical Cycling Comes of Age
This is a Bakfiest or box bike. People all over the world have used these to haul children, carry groceries, even construction materials, for decades. The advent of The e-bike revolution has brought back these and many more practical bikes.
We Need To Teach American Males How To Ride A Bike
We Need To Teach American Males How To Ride A Bike! There was a time, in the not too distant past, when people knew that you do not jump things, hop curbs or deliberately run through a pot hole. Bicycles have
Top E-bike Lists Are A Joke
Best Electric Bikes 2022
November 24, 2022 at 10:14 am This article represents all that is wrong with our industry. It very well could have been written in The 90’s! Nearly all the top recommended bikes sport dramatically outdated designs and components. Why are we still -
Steel Is Real
This is a Surley Long Haul Trucker (LHT). It is probably the most iconic of distance touring bicycles, capable of everything from bike packing with 26" mtb wheels to high speed 700c's. Our customer had us convert it early this
Winter Projects
While many of us ride our bikes year round, Winter still leaves us with lots of time to tackle dream jobs. I mean, be honest, you'll ride when you need, but once temp's drop below freezing, most aren't going to spend
Cracking Down On Illegal E-bikes
For quite some time I have been warning that crack downs on illegal e-bikes were coming. The photo header is from England but yes, sooner or later confiscation will happen here too (why we allow importation is beyond me). When
DIY Mid-Drive Conversion Instructions
For $395 Mark will get you the motor you need, any necessary extensions, trim and connectors you may wish. He'll even help you source the battery and battery mount you wish and provide warrenty support for a year on the
Introducing The CYC Photon
Introducing The CYC Photon e-bike motor. Ruby's has made a reputation for custom e-bike builds that are light weight, great handling and high mileage, using The TSDZ2 (on sale for $1095 installed for a limited time). For a unique few,
Cycling’s Obsession With Safety
It astounds me that a cyclist will spend an extra thousand dollars to shave a few grams off the weight of their bike only to add hundreds more in ever more expensive bits of safety gadgets. Don't get me wrong,
How To Choose A Good E-Bike
⁹ Vs Almost daily I'll have someone come into the shop cooing over a piece of junk I am repairing. Put fat tires and a military or dark themed paint job on a toy and suddenly it must be unstoppable! You already know
Bicycles Unstable At Speed
You really can't imagine how often people approach me about building illegally fast e-bikes. It is almost never a true cyclist or anyone who knows what it is like to manage a bike at high speed. They don't realize that
The Evolution of The E-bike
The e-bike itself has been around since the 1890's. They've been commercially mass produced since the late 70's. In The 90's they started to catch on. The basic design of the kits we sell is over 30 years old, but
On Line E-Bike Reviews Are A Joke!
I have resisted this post for some time. I know some of these guys really do have, or had, their heart in the right place. Unfortunately they've allowed their platforms to be compromised. It doesn't help that not one, that
Themed Bike Rides
Those of you that know me, know I am a big fan of the event above. Ride five miles, see a band and repeat. It"s on The Katy Trail in Missouri, but it is in no way the only way
We’ve Only Ourselves To Blame
The following article from Palo Alto, CA is about restricting bikes from certain lanes, paths and in this case, MUP's. It is indicative of what could happen nation wide. We've only ourselves to blame. https://www.paloaltoonline.com/ To most of The U.S. a bicycle
The Ultimate Custom E-bike
Probably the best thing about dealing with Ruby's on your e-bike is that we can build exactly what you want or need. No compromises. Most of our customers already have a bike they love. Since they are almost always better bikes
Introducing The ToSeven Mid-Drive
This is the exploded view of The ToSeven motor. It is a derivative of the venerable TSDZ2 that is still the best option for most. Like The TSDZ2 and The Rolls Royce of Mid-Drives, The Photon, The ToSeven is just
Disturbing E-bike Trends
Yesterday, I had a fella bring In a "budget" priced bike from one of the world's best selling e-bike mfg's.This is never a happy occasion for me. Not once have I seen one that didn't have a safety issue. That,
Between A Rock & A Hard Place
We've discussed this sort of thing before, but it is worth repeating. The bike industry just can't seem to quit swinging like a pendulum between bikes so light they are flat out fragile and behemoths so inefficient they serve no
There Is No Such Thing As A Good, Cheap Bike
I need to confess something. I am more guilty than anyone else in the bike industry for perpetuating the myth that you can get by with a cheap bike. It made others feel good about bad decisions and me feel
Bike To Work Week
Looks like it is going to be an absolutely awesome Bike To Work week here in The Quad Cities! We have a lot of added incentives, besides the famous Dean Mathias handing out bananas, water and other snacks at the
Stop It!
Those are lyrics from an old song by Sly Stone. Same sentiment applies to cyclists. Folks, we're in this all together. Bike Snobberey needs to end. There was a time when roadies, like I was, felt threatened by mtb'ers and BMX'ers.
Our Focus Is Wrong
If you have followed this blog at all (what's wrong with you!?!), you know that I am all for restricting e-bikes. I restrict the one's I sell. You know I am against speeding on our MUP's, Trails and in our
Coming Legislation
It was bound to happen. Home made batteries, applications for which batteries were not designed and folks using damaged batteries. All these have virtually nothing to do with e-bikes, but scooters and e-mopeds. Oh, speeding and modifying our bikes illegally
Back To The Future For E-Bikes
It is no surprise to anyone that has read this blog before that anything that makes a traditional bike less efficient makes an e-bike less efficient. The opposite is true as well. All things that make traditional bikes more efficient
This E-Assist Never Needs Charging!
There is nothing quite like arriving at your destination, not stinking and in no need of a change of clothes. That's where a little assist really makes a difference. I have a couple e-bikes and a few more traditional
Who Rides More?
The following article was posted to a bike commuter group to which I belong. I am not fond of the fat shaming or reliance on BMI as a standard of health, but it is an eye opener.. The group itself
Range Differences
Vs We've discussed how anything that makes a traditional bike faster, or more efficient, does the same for an e-bike. The opposite also applies. All things that make a traditional bike slower or less efficient does the same for an e-bike.
Should You Consider Becoming A Warm Showers Host?
https://bionicgypsy.com/about-niki/ I have never officially joined Warm Showers. My wife and I have enjoyed hosting so many traveling cyclists, we really should. So, it was no big deal when our friend Dustin called saying he was full up and a German
The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!
Over the years, I've held a lot of jobs. Oh, I've always been involved with bicycles, but frankly no one makes my idea of a liveable income in the bike business. That's why this is such a great retirement gig.
Before anyone asks, this article is separate from the very specialized world of recumbent trikes. I own one, it is comfortable, but Upright trikes still have their place. I hope to have one for snowy Winter commuting this year. The trikes
The E-Century Challenge
I just created a new Facebook Group. It is called The E-Century Challenge. This year we saw e-bikes completing RAGBRAI on single daily charges. To me, this is a major break through in making e-bikes and trikes viable for touring
Why Motorist Speeding Is Such A Problem
Some of my friends in Europe may find the following hard to follow, or even to believe. The idea that a person cannot permanently loose their lisc. for speeding or continue to drive after multiple DUI's, is tough enough. The
Every Ride An Adventure
I'm 67 years old. Odds are, for folks my age, that we have just 13 more years to live. If we are blessed, most will be active and full of fun. Don't waste them zoned out in front of a
Alternative Transportation
I have been wrong, more than a bit unfair and judgmental. I'm sorry. For years now folks have been asking me for bikes like the above, but even more powerful and totally illegal. I have assumed they were all Court
A Patriotic Duty
This photo is an excellent representation of what is happening today. I am pleased it was posted by a traditional Cycling publication. I've said for some time that serious cyclists are adding e-bikes to their stables, for practical reasons (does
Summer Isn’t Half Gone!
I can't believe the number people already talking about the end of the bicycle season. For one thing, there are those of us that do not believe it ever ends. For another, MOST of the best cycling days have yet
The Perfect E-Bike
Hah, bet you thought I'd include a photo. Fact is, the perfect e-bike doesn't exist. Except as a custom build, I doubt it will ever. Still, I want to make my case and yes, a lot of the following is
Why Should I Force You To Obey The Law?
Psst, hey buddy, you wanna buy an illegal e-bike? I'm beginning to wonder why I should care. At least a couple times a week I get the opportunity. It isn't illegal to sell, just to ride them! Who's checking? Who
Best Deals On Used Bikes Ever!
I have been madly in love with bikes since my brothers got me off training wheels at 4. Never have I seen deals like we are seeing on used bikes RIGHT NOW! If you have considered getting an e-bike or
E-bikes Not Motorcycles
https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2023/10/12/e-bikes-are-bicycles-not-motorbikes-rules-eu-court-of-justice/?sh=3005aeb051ff I love this article. The EU is on to something before everyone else, once again. It secures affordable and safe mobility.. By default, it also makes bikes like the above, motorcycles because they have throttles. I like this designation. If applied
Is Tiny Better?
We are now four years in to The E-bike Boom! It does not show any signs of cooling off any time soon. If we compare it to The Road Bike Boom of The 70's or BMX and Mtb'ing in The
Conversion vs Factory Bike Revisited II
It has been over 6 years since we first discussed the benefits of conversion vs a factory bike. Sadly, the truth remains, it always makes more sense to convert the bike you love over buying a factory e-bike. I wish
How Budget Is Too Budget?
Why Would You Want A Trike!?!
I want a trike. There, I said it, mean it and I'm not gonna apologize! I don't mean some sleek and slippery aero recumbent (I have one of those; it doesn't like snow) It doesn't have to be fast. 15mph
The BASICS Of Proper Fit
NOTE: I realize persons of good will might feel differently. Some question what is important. I have done my best to list these in order of importance. They are also the easiest ways to get a better fit. There is a
Attn. City Fathers
Traditional cyclists often ask me why e-bikes are suddenly so popular on our local Multi-Use Paths (MUPs). BTW, thank you. You are justifying expansion that benefits traditional cyclists, runners and pedestrians as well. It is the same reason cyclists no longer
E-Bike Group Rides!
It breaks my heart that so many aren't aware of local rail trails and MUP's. They aren't aware of the opportunities along the way and all they could be doing on their e-bike. Many have expressed that they just don't
Ebikes Are Not Replacing Bicycles
There is a common misconception that e-bikes replace traditional bicycles. Nothing could be further from the truth. For the most part, e-bikes replace time or miles that otherwise would have been spent behind the wheel of a car. Even just
What E-Bike Is Best For You
CABDA & The Future of Cycling
Last week my wife and I attended The Chicago Area Bicycle Dealers' Association trade show (CABDA). While it is not what it was during the bike boom of The 70's, it is still the largest and quite the eye opener.
Women & Bicycles
Wait a moment while I put on my fire suit. Okay, here goes. Too many women are still letting their husband's make their bike buying decisions. There I said it, let the flames begin. While I'm at it I might
Sidewalk Riding?
Let's.preface this with some things that might reduce some of the flames from both sides. I live in The Midwest. We drive two blocks to get a 7-11 slurpy. We aren't going outside if it is below 45f.. Not all
We Have Dutch Bikes!
In the world of practical or commuter cycling The Netherlands is seen as sort of a Mecca. They have more bikes than people as well as more folks bicycle commuting every day than anywhere else in the world (per capita).
I Can Bike There!
Ride Illinois has a cool program called, "I Can Bike There." People ride their bikes places then register the location. It helps folks realize how much they may have been missing by not biking. The Quad Cities is somewhat unique. Our
Group E-bike Rides
The following article about The Cedar River Trail, near us here in The Quad Cities, echoes what I have been promoting the last few weeks. I have seen the same things in small towns along trails in Southern Illinois and
Bicycles Are Meant To Be Pedaled
The Scrambler style bike above is probably the best there is. That mid-drive is the most powerful and quiet legal motor made. Unfortunately, the fella who owns it wants to get some exercise. He's probably 6'3" and cannot come close
Riding Safely & Confidently
The following is taken almost in whole from an article by Tenways, Dutch based bicycle company. Various references and links have been removed only in order to post on pages that do not allow them. Ride Safely and Confidently APRIL 18, 2024 There
Traditional Bikes Will Never Die
"Traditional Bikes Will Never Die." This may sound strange coming from an e-bike boutique, but it is a fact. I have more traditional bikes than e-bikes. It got close for a while, but I had to sell some of my
What If Motorists Were As Mindful As Cyclists?
Recently, I made the following post, "What if every motorist was as mindful behind the wheel as cyclists trying to avoid them?" Now, I knew as soon as posted I was going to be flamed. Even among hard core cycling
Touring Cyclist Etiquette
Most E-bikes Are Meant To Be Toys
Most e-bikes are meant to be toys. They are built specifically for that purpose. There is nothing wrong with toys! We all need a leisure time outlet. Sadly, most who can afford a toy can afford something better. Those who
Who Killed The E-Bike?
Does that title surprise you? Well, it is happening. From avoidable fires to overwhelming regulations and eventually being banned, Bike Shaped Objects, like the above and those touting them, are at fault. There was a time when I would argue that
Bicycle Insurance
My friend Anthony tempted fate the other day. He entered a crosswalk on a stale green. He did not clear the 4 lanes in time. A speeding motorist ran him down. The one and only thing the attending officer considered
Moped/E-Bike What’s The Difference?
The three classes of electric bikes (e-bikes) were developed around 2014 by the national bicycle advocacy group PeopleForBikes and the bicycle industry trade association BPSA. That's right, before then e-bikes were supposed to meet moped standards, with a gov't safety certification. It
What Does The Rest Of The World Know That We Don’t?
I was just doing some research for a Slovenian fellow asking for help finding a conversion kit. I was surprised that he was willing to spend so much to have a motor that then would be dramatically limited. Slovenian e-bike
How Much Bike Do You Need.
I was speaking with my buddy Tim about the state of the e-bike industry. He pulled me up short, simply stating that he had decided to move on. I understand his frustration as more and more absurd junk is getting
What Is A Dropper Post & WHY should I Want One?
These are dropper seatposts. They are not suspension seatposts, which I love (I am told suspension dropper posts do exist). You flip a lever and your saddle immediately drops down to its lowest setting. Originally, mtb'ers used them to get
Chain Care
Only the subject of helmets or self defense causes more rancor on bike pages than chain care. It is amazing how such a simple thing can be used effectively in so many different ways. Therein lies the real reason we
Path & Trail Etiquette
Recently, I was shocked to find even some of my best friends have no idea just what is good trail etiquette. Most thought if they obey the 20mph limit, for unmarked trails, they were just fine. Some thought the class
Suspension Without Compromise
For quite some time you have heard me complain about suspensions being for off road control, not on-road comfort. Their quality, on e-bikes, is questionable at best, anyway. The video pasted below does an excellent job of explaining why you
Something Else To Consider On Your E-bike
You've heard enough about hub motor questions. They are cheap and are here to stay. I'm seeing remarkable reliability out of the lower powered units. In fact, I haven't needed to change a controller or replace reduction gears on anything
Open Letter To Cornbrlt Running Club
Dear Friends: It is due in no small part to you that we have expanded Multi-Use Paths in The Quad Cities. Your numbers make a difference, so you can imagine how bad I feel when I see your members cowering by
Does Your Motor Have 1500+ Miles On It?
It is well known that almost all e-bike motors come from the factory with little to no proper grease. Motors naturally get hot and grease burns,.melts or runs off. Most should be overhauled at 1500 miles (done again after 4k).
E-bike Classifications Explained
Class I e-bikes have no throttle. They are limited to 20mph. These account for well over 80% of the legal e-bikes the world over, though outside The U.S. their speed is restricted further. In the opinion of this author, a