Poagies; What Are They & Why Do You Want Them?
Poagies have been around perhaps as long as humans have negociated the cold. You see them used on dog sleds, snowmobiles, motorcycles and bicycles. There are very few pieces of specialized bicycle kit that aren’t merely hype. Poagies are among them! Absolutely nothing will help keep your hands warm, as you cycle in the cold, as reliably as a pair of Poagies or handlebar mitts.
Most, like the one shown, are neoprene like a diving suit. These are also lined. Either way, there is no wind on your hands. I got rid of my last pair because my hands actually got too warm. Now that my commute is a lot shorter, I’ll be going back to them.
People often ask me if it is hard to get your hands out in an emergency. That’s a loaded question. In an emergency, you should always hold on to the bars, keep your feet on the pedals and tuck your elbows and knees. The bike will take the brunt of the fall and none of your limbs is strong enough to hold you up (you’ll break a finger, wrist, arm, collar bone or your leg…don’t do that!). The answer though is that your hands go straight in and pull straight out. There is no resistance and it is much the same if you were just wearing mittens.
We have just a few pairs on hand at Ruby’s. We need to see how they go over. At $35 for a pair, they should go fast. Stop on in and see what you think.