Winter Bike Storage (not as simple as you think)
Read an attrocious article on Winter bike storage the other day. Since most aren’t hard core about Winter cycling, it’s a good time to mention some tips (I ride year round).
Most importantly, never park a bicycle, even for short periods, near a refrigerator, freezer or air compressor. The ozone they give off will ruin your tires, tubes and bearing seals.
Store them out of sunlight. Use tire dressing/protectant on tires, seats and grips. It is even a good idea to cover tires with bags. If you are aren’t hanging your bike for storage, make sure you keep the tires fully inflated through the winter to avoid flat spots (bigger problem for e-bikes).
I hope everyone knows not to store e-bike batteries in the cold, to make sure they are stored only 3/4’s full and not to charge them when they are cold. It is a good idea to put a little dielectric grease on exposed connections, but anything that will wipe off easily will work too.
An option is to store your bike at Ruby’s. $89 including a tune-up before Spring. Call Mark for details!