Why Every Roadie & Off Road Cyclist Should Have An E-bike
I may be slightly sidelined at the moment, until I can get my leg fixed. Even so, I found myself zipping along on my traditional touring bike beside my wife’s e-bike last week. I was surprised. Even I had fallen for the lie that riding my e-bike would negatively impact my fitness. I found my cadence was stronger and more consistent. This seems to jibe with articles in Bicycling magazine and others.
While an e-bike helps you maintain a higher average speed and to go further, you still only get back in proportion to what you give. There are no hills. There is no wind, but you still have to pedal. If you intend to go any significant distance you’d better maintain a decent, heart pumping cadence….like training in a paceline.
I have found myself making excuses to ride instead of excuses not to ride. Because of this, I am putting in a lot more miles (exactly what every article says).
Whether a roadie or off road cyclist, getting outside on a real bike helps maintain bike handling skills (remember last Spring when you got off the trainer?). Off roaders especially benefit. How many more trips around the trail, or back up the hill, could you make in a day, if you had an e-bike? Imagine how much more quickly you could build your skills?
Disclaimer: I count on those for whom I build Pedelecs to behave responsibly. All my Pedelecs are class I limited to maximum assist of 20mph and no throttle (none can climb at those speeds).
We have enough trouble with people training on our MUPs. An e-bike is for making traditional cycling more practical, accessible and convenient. It is not to make traditional cycling faster. If speed is what you want, please buy an e-scooter or motorcycle, ride with motorized traffic and stay out of our MUPs, trails and lanes. This is for the safety of all.