Rubys is a unique bar set in the heart of downtown Davenport. Rubys is the place where you can enjoy our huge selection of craft beers, grab a bite to eat and get your bike fixed. Our kitchen serves up homemade bites and burgers prepared daily.

Ruby's Davenport

Who Killed The E-Bike?

Does that title surprise you? Well, it is happening. From avoidable fires to overwhelming regulations and eventually being banned, Bike Shaped Objects, like the above and those touting them, are at fault. 

There was a time when I would argue that an e,bike is no faster than a fit rider, on a good road bike. The thing is, there aren’t that many fit riders. Of them, even fewer have a bike they can ride far or those speeds. They are annoying, but so few it was hard to view them as dangerous (they are).

Today I turn away almost one person a day that wants an illegal bike to ride on our local.MUPs, illegally fast. They haven’t the bike handling skills developed over time by a fit rider, on a proper road bike. They leave me, get online and order what they want. Of course they don’t hold up and they expect me to repair them (no more). They are extremely heavy, but almost always have brakes designed for lightweight road bikes. Their suspensions were considered garbage by The MTB crowd twenty years ago! Some, like the above, put the battery high on the frame for balance issues and that short wheelbase can be very challenging over stutter bumps. It will do well over 30mph if the advertised power is correct.

All the above are why these bikes are dangerous on our Trails, in our Lanes and cruising our MUPs. We can make laws and post signs, but we aren’t even enforcing traffic laws on the streets, much less on bike trails. One of two things are already happening. People are leaving our once peaceful trails. Municipalities are banning us from same. Hopefully, regulation will eliminate the worst of these, but this also means opportunists will drive up the cost of the remaining models.

Want to make a difference? Make sure people know you do not appreciate their speeding. Do not compliment their junk. Embrace quality, legal bikes and encourage cautious riders. As our communities introduce restrictions, obey and encourage them. Peer pressure works!

In both Iowa and Illinois, any trail, lane or MUP that has no posted speed limit, that limit is 20mph.  Now that assumes ideal conditions (no kids, no pedestrians, blind curves or hills). Just like a car, you have to drive according to conditions. I think we can all agree that almost nobody is doing so. Let”s change.  If we don’t we will have the same chaos of the streets on our trails and MUPs. People will give up their bikes and e-bikes.  Our industry, already in trouble, will die. It’s up to you.