Is Your Bike A…. SINNER!?!
Is Your Bike A Sinner in need of conversion!?! You all know what I mean. You love your bike, but you just might leave it at home. You find yourself damning it to the garage when it is too windy, too hilly or you
Torque or Cadence Sensing E-bikes?
This article says it all
E-Bike Myths
E-bikes are cheating: Who are we racing? Then wouldn't carbon fiber and titanium that make it easier to ride be cheating? Don't even get me started on those wind cheaters and their drop handle bars. By golly, be a real athlete, sit up
GRrrr, What’s Going On MTB Mfg.’s!?!
I had hoped to talk about e-bike myths today. Then a friend came calling with questions about a used mtb. It seems every season my friends throw away their multi-thousand dollar bikes for the latest hype. The next year it will be declared
So You Bought A Bike On-Line
Contrary to popular belief, most bike shops really don't have a problem with in-line bike sales. They are a gateway for better things to come
Mid-Drive Vs Hub Drive E-bikes
rv Too often people assume either that all e-bikes are equal or that "X" watts is "X" watts and always good. Neither could be further from the truth. For starters, hub drives are generally rated at their peak, which requires significant speed. Mid-drives
Gravel Grinders
Some say Gravel Bikes got their start when mfg.'s put mtb's out of the average person's price range. Some say they are a great way to add speed and challenge to the same old fire roads and trails. Others just wanted something
What Is With All The “Lady’s” Frames (Step Through)
Only in The U.S. do people refer to step through frames as, "Lady's" bikes. In reality, these are step through frames. They've never really caught on in The U.S. and for a while went out of style around the world because of
Seats, Saddles & Sore Bums
The single biggest complaint I hear from potential bicycle customers is that the "seats" are too skinny. I always tell them, their problem is not the saddle, but their fit. Any saddle is comfortable if the bike is properly fit to you.
Further, Fitter Fun Vs Fastest, Fittest Fun
More and more road and especially off road cycling enthusiasts are starting to embrace the concept of The E-bike, even if maybe they don't want one themselves. Anything that gets more people out on bikes. For some, it is good training, like