DIY Mid-Drive Conversion Instructions
For $395 Mark will get you the motor you need, any necessary extensions, trim and connectors you may wish. He'll even help you source the battery and battery mount you wish and provide warrenty support for a year on the motor and
Cracking Down On Illegal E-bikes
For quite some time I have been warning that crack downs on illegal e-bikes were coming. The photo header is from England but yes, sooner or later confiscation will happen here too (why we allow importation is beyond me). When that time
Winter Projects
While many of us ride our bikes year round, Winter still leaves us with lots of time to tackle dream jobs. I mean, be honest, you'll ride when you need, but once temp's drop below freezing, most aren't going to spend a lot
Steel Is Real
This is a Surley Long Haul Trucker (LHT). It is probably the most iconic of distance touring bicycles, capable of everything from bike packing with 26" mtb wheels to high speed 700c's. Our customer had us convert it early this Summer. He has